Thursday, February 26, 2009 Madlibs

Sugar Daddy personals and online [molesting] service. We have thousands of successful and [repulsive] members who recognize that [sex] is there to be had [anytime behind false walls in their mansions].

Success, [Cocaine and Rohypnol]...
...can be the foundations of a great [affair]. They offer [clandestine] opportunities for so much more in [sleeping sex] and can eradicate the issues of financial stress that modern [prostitution] can bring.

Leaving A [Bruise]
Online dating is about [hiding] something in your life. You may be looking for something in [Scatology] or you may only be interested in moving in the circles of casual [communicable diseases]. Whichever takes your interest, there is one thing that both have in common and that's finding the [richest] person most [tolerable] of you.

[Lusting after] The Most [Wealthy] Person For Yourself Is Perfectly [Irrational] People want to be with people who are [rich-as-hell], attractive, ambitious, confident and [tight]. People want more from [sex] as modern life offers us [less] from our society. We are more [desperate] and because dating sites, such as deliver a higher grade of [date rape drugs], we can hand select the person that is [least] likely to [sue] us. is about finding all the [creepy sex] you really can [afford].

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