Thursday, February 26, 2009

Steven of Cyberia: Get Well Soon!


Anonymous said...

I appreciate that you are making public Steve Jobs Arab roots. His mother is Turkish, his father Palestinian famous for local area goat burgers. For Steve's birthday he joined in a backyard rape all part of Turkish--coming of age if you will. It happened so long ago I don't think it has anything to do with AIDS, whihc is clearly sucking the life out of him.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your awareness of Mr. Jobs Arab roots. His mother was mother Turkish, his father a Palestian goat herder from the San Fernando Valley right here in Southern California. As a youth I attended a Bachliztuliachachtiki, a coming of age ceremony much like Barmitvah, when a boy becomes fifteen he rapes another boy. Though I do not belive this has anything to do with Mr. Jobs having AIDS.