Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bernie Mapplethorpe: Invested Discipline

1 comment:

Paintings by Walter said...

what a hot photo! for those of you thinking of becomeing gay what more could you asked for? though you don;t neccesarrily have to stick a whip up your ass as a rite of passage. But if you get wood looking at photos of Hayley Joe Osmot then you may have a problem or you could just be a budding member of Nambla, which brings me to the current financial crisis. Hmmm I'm kind of getting a boner thinking about MaGyver. Sorry, back to the stimulus package. My package is getting stimulated right now. I want to see Nancy Pelosi naked. She's go sloppy comfort boobs and she's the boss. She could slip a few mill into my bank account and no one would know the difference. Hell, the stimulus bill is so out of whack who knows what it's there. It's like mystery meat. Speaking of mystery meat doesn't tim Geitner the Trea Sec look like a lacrosse playing date rapist. I heard from a friend of mine on the Hill he's steath fucker. He fucks you and you don;t even know it. One woman (not his wife) woke up with him ontop of her. She didn't hear a thing. Neither did her husband who was sleeping right next to her. After he finished he asked for a tecate and wanted to know if she wanted to catch some Reggae. More later. Free Bernie Madoff!