Friday, February 27, 2009

President Obama joins President Bill Clinton on Remote Island

February 27, 2009
Relieved at the recent passing of the stimulus bill President Obama took former President Bill up on his offer of a "good old fashioned pussy hunt--down-home-Southern style." President Obama booarded Marine One and was airlifted to an undisclosed air base where he was whisked away on a Lear Jet owned and operated by famed Chinese Crime Lord--Fak-U. He met up with former President Bill Clinton on an island off the Dominican Republic where according to the 42nd President "there so poor they have to f**k in order to survive. President Obama's Secret Service detail was less than pleased by the logical night posed by the sudden random excursion but the 44th President was heard to say "f**k all y'all" as he boarded the Lear Jet where he was greeted by a topless flight attendant.

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