Monday, February 23, 2009

Breaking: Gary Condit's New Book

How to Roofy Interns and Hide the Bodies
DO NOT buy his f*&!ing book when it comes out!


Anonymous said...

I disagree. Condit’s the man and an excellent pupil. I taught this move--a standard deflecting punch-called Fi Tak Tu Li Tu Kook Kai Gulati Fegruila Ittu--in Ancient Korean--The shortened name is known as Hul Ti- Tak juli Gu Guliak Ji Tai or basically know as the defensive punch. I just think it's dishonorable to the ancient art of Korean Kung Fu to use layman’s language or what is commonly known among practitioners as Liu Jui Kook Kai Yi Yula LI Jak Ti Ti Too. I have to go now to perform Seppuku,but I will sign on later from heaven.

Anonymous said...

Condit's assistant Gary (ironic huh) Stein and warned me to stop talking about Condit. This hurt me deeply since I was only praising the man. Granted, his technique, as demostrated in the above photo is a bit off, I, nonetheless thoguht he was an excellent pupil. Sure, I knew he was banging Chandra Levy but I never called him on it. I simply said keep it out the dojo. Condit's assitant is a little sacred--I perfromed Seppuku while I had him on speaker phone. More at 11.