Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Gacy Honored Posthumously During Address to Nation

From the desk of the New York Stock Exchange....
In one of the highlights of last nights speech to the nation--President Obama singled out a spry sharply dressed woman in the guest gallery. Dressed in a lovely purple chiffon dress Judith Gacy, 93, lept to her feet and waved to the cheering crowd of clapping men and women from both houses of Congress. It was during the president's urging at individual service--"How we all can do out part"...that the 47 year newly elected commander in chief chose to point out the beaming woman sitting directly behind the first lady. The President continued...."Judith, you must be proud. Your son John Wayne gave so much and he did what he did best, entertaining children. Whether it be at hospices or at random parks he found children and made them laugh." It was during this momentous singling out that a smattering of tears and sniffles could be heard and seen through the chamber. "And though your son could not be with us today we know he will be proud knowing you were here to accept our thanks to all of the good deeds he's done throughout his life." It was then that a large photo (see above) was beamed behind the president and at a repectable level the popular ballad "Tears of a Clown" by Smokey Robinson and the Miracles could be heard throughout the galley. Joyous clapping and backslapping ensued. Later it was rumored the President and First Lady invited Ms. Judth Gacy back to the White House for a light supper and cocktails. The Wizard reporting. More at 11.

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