Monday, March 2, 2009

I Love Rush

March 2, 2009

Entertainment Weekly

Hi everyone, The Wizard here. I love Rush. There I said it. And you know what I feel pretty good about. Sometimes you just have to unwind loosen the parachute pants and cop a squat on the old couch with some nachos and the PS3. These are difficult times, with the ecnomy in the crapper and everyone bummed out it's time to take up your manhood and tell the world to f off. Recently I saw the Rush 30th Anniversay concert in Franfurt--they kicked f**kin ass. Who cares that their lyrics are gay and they grandaddy prog rockers--they still kick f**kin ass. I was particualry impressed with Geddy Lee's bass playing. He was slappin the ole Fender like a Negro maid from the 30's. Anyway I just ordered a Rush t-shirt to add to my already buldging drawer. I'm also playing the new Killzone 2, which is also a comfort. Here are 3 manly things to do in these stressful economic times: Listen to a lot of prog rock, play video games,and watch porn. There I said it. An apology to my fans--the Jessica Simpson article I promised is on the backbruner until after the abortion. Love The Wizard

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