Monday, March 2, 2009

The Dark Lord in drunken rage uses "N" word

March 3, 2009
The Washington Post

Dick Cheney, former Vice-President of the United States, was seen late last night stumbling out of Phillies, a local D.C. area haunt. With his rugby shirt stained with mustard and beer an eyewitness said he saw Mr. Cheney flailing his arms wildly and screaming "Ni**ers" as if he were in a swarm of wild bees. His secret service detail quickly ushered him into a nearby limosine but not before sweeping the area of all witness. A pregnant woman and two Indian street vendors were quickly mowed down in a hail of bullets as the limosine sped away. The eyewitness to The Washington Post, wishing to remain anonymous cowered behind a dumpster until the twenty or so members of Mr. Cheney's security team vanished into the night.

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